Intergrated Strategic Plan



The ESCOM Integrated Strategic Plan (ISP27) defines goals and objectives, sets the framework for the annual corporate plan, budget, and resource mobilisation in the next four years (2023-27). ESCOM has a critical role to play in the operations of the electricity industry and the sustainable development of the country.

This Strategic Plan has been formulated in line with the country’s long-term development agenda (MW2063), energy laws (Energy Regulation Act 2004 and 2016 Electricity Act), the dictates of power sector reforms, and the 2018 National Energy Policy. It is the expectation of the Board, Management and Staff of ESCOM that the Government and various state agents will render support in the implementation of the Strategic Plan. ESCOM must transform the way it conducts its business to meet the expectations of its customers and other stakeholders in the next four years.

Currently, stakeholders are frustrated with the quality of service they are receiving. ESCOM cannot afford to do business as usual but must fundamentally transform itself. For this reason, the Board and Management of ESCOM would like to transform the organisation into one that is purpose-driven, customer-focused as well as financially and operationally efficient.

Figure 1

Additionally, organisational cultural transformation will be at the heart of ISP27 implementation to achieve business excellence.

The ESCOM Board and Management have reviewed the vision, mission, and core values (strategic framework) to provide a new sense of direction to its stakeholders, customers, and staff. Figure 1 summarises the Strategic Framework of ESCOM for the next four years.

Strategic Themes

Our Business Units

Strategic themes are pillars of excellence. These are areas that ESCOM needs to focus on in order to excel in its mission and vision. Having analysed the existing strategic documents and issues affecting ESCOM, the new strategy will focus on the following thematic areas:


Our Business Strategies

Strategic Goals

Strategic goals are long term outcomes which deliver ESCOM mandate [Transmission, Distribution, System & Market Operations and Single Buyer. ISP27 will focus on five strategic goals to guide the development of its objectives and initiatives. The following are the strategic goals:

  1. Achieve network and systems reliability
  2. Achieve operational efficiency, effectiveness and safety
  3. Achieve financial viability
  4. Increase access to electricity
  5. Achieve good corporate governance and compliance.

Strategic Themes

  1. Deliver for our customers efficiently
  2. Drive value through stakeholders
  3. Achieve financial viability
  4. Grow out organisation capability
  5. Empower our people

About Us

ESCOM’s Business & Mandate, ISP-27

Following its Mandate, ESCOM builds, owns, maintains and operates transmission and distribution assets throughout Malawi, retails electricity to its customers, is a system and market operator (SMO) and a Single Buyer (SB) for the entire power sector. ESCOM also owns a Optic Fibre Business taking advantage of its use of Fibre Technology as an intrinsic part of its operations as well as its vast overhead line infrastructure which can easily carry Optic Fibre cables.

ESCOM restoration works2


To Supply electricity to the nation for sustainable development


To become a leading provider of reliable, inclusive and affordable electricity and related services in the region

Core Values

1. Do The Right Thing

a. Say no to bribes and corruption

b. Act safely and support each other c. Speak up, challenge and act

2. Collaborate with Others

a. Work as a team to find solutions

b. Be inclusive and offer equal opportunities
c. Innovate, embrace learning and new ideas

3. Be customer focused

a. Be efficient
b. Take ownership to deliver for    customers
c. Provide high quality service to all